Washroom Services Skipton
Washroom services Skipton is provided by Rentex washroom hygiene services. Our range of products and services delivered through our Rentex brand will improve your business by taking care of your washroom requirements. Saving you time to focus on your core activities.

Our aim at Rentex is to work with you to improve your business washrooms and workplace hygiene services, whilst not compromising the health of your staff and customers.
On your scheduled washroom service day our operatives will remove the internal liner and replace with a new one and also apply a dose of our special Neutrabin bio active bin sanitizer which helps to reduce odour and kill pathogens within the receptacle.
Lastly the sanitary unit is thoroughly cleaned and all waste removed from site under license for safe disposal.
No matter how big or small your business, your washrooms tell a story.
We specifically provide a full range of high quality washroom products. These include air fresheners, feminine hygiene units as well as soap dispensers.
Rentex Hygiene care about service, we manage your Washroom Services leaving you to concentrate on your business.
Washroom Services Skipton West Yorkshire
Rentex can also provide specific products for managing your washroom. This includes water management systems and energy saving products such as Eco hand dryers.

Where possible Rentex use pedal operated feminine sanitary hygiene bins as standard. This means that you can be confident you are providing a washroom to suit the comfort and consideration of each visitor.
Professional and discrete
All our commercial washroom services are carried out by discrete and friendly service operatives. We are respectful to users within the washroom facilities whilst carrying out the service.
Washroom services are for commercial business users that especially wish to maintain high standards within there facilities.
Washroom services Skipton and feminine sanitary bin hygiene services in Skipton. A Rentex Hygiene we understand that no organization can afford to underestimate the benefits of professional personal hygiene service.
Using a business service support partner will not only enhance your image but ensures that you do not contravene your Duty of Care Health and Safety Regulations at work.
Our ladies sanitary bin service operatives cover Skipton to maintain your feminine hygiene units and remove all offensive sanitary waste from site for safe legal as well as ethical disposal.